“There is often a bleakness that permeates Hebrew fiction, and certainly a much darker sense of humor, a lot of sarcasm and irony, as well as self-deprecation. These are less prevalent in most English writing…”
All in Interview
“There is often a bleakness that permeates Hebrew fiction, and certainly a much darker sense of humor, a lot of sarcasm and irony, as well as self-deprecation. These are less prevalent in most English writing…”
"My stories often start with some image or moment that stays with me... It could be something I experienced, or a conversation I overheard, or the way someone looked at someone else… I will usually just start writing toward that image or moment and build from there."
"If I were to even write it today, it would be a very different book. It might be better in some ways, but it would be probably less emotionally true to how I was feeling."
“Writing really resists optimization and that’s partly why I love it. It makes me reevaluate how I conceive of ‘time well spent.’”
“It doesn't get easier, I thought it would along the way.”
“The door didn’t open every day, but every time it did, I pushed it as far as it would go.”
“I have known these compelling yet repellent men. Haven’t you?”
“Writing poetry has trained my eye and ear to look and listen to my day with deep attention.”
“Each translation has its own personality- and should have.”
"…I’m just sort of putting my ear against the thing and trying to discern its heartbeat…”
“Walmart making its own insulin, like, really gives me chills.”