The Breakout! Writers Prize


The Breakout! Writers Prize brings visibility to the creators of our future by honoring and supporting outstanding college and graduate student writers. Winners have gone on to get agents, publish books, and discover new careers in publishing.

Two Writers, One in Prose and One in Poetry, Will Receive:

* A $1000 cash prize each
* Publication in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Epiphany
* A one-year subscription to Epiphany

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter, or sign-up below to our email list to stay updated.

The Fresh Voices Fellowship


The Fresh Voices Fellowship supports one emerging Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other writer of color who does not have an MFA and is not currently enrolled in a degree-granting creative writing program.

One Writer, in Prose or Poetry, Will Receive:

* A $2000 stipend
* Publication in a print issue of Epiphany
* A one-year subscription to Epiphany
* A close relationship with the editorial team and participate in the editorial and publication process of a small non-profit literary magazine
* The opportunity to contribute an online essay series during their fellowship

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter, or sign-up below to our email list to stay updated.