"I Was the Equal of Things Whose Secret Fitted Under the Beam of a Wing" by Cory Hutchinson-Reuss
Note: The title is taken from René Char’s poem “Penumbra,” tr. by Mary Ann Caws.
Cory Hutchinson-Reuss grew up in Arkansas, earned her PhD in English from the University of Iowa, and now lives and writes in Iowa City. Her poems have appeared in Timber, Slice, Zone 3, Pangyrus, the Missouri Review online, and elsewhere. A collaborative chapbook of her poems and the visual art of Giselle Simón was recently published as part of the PromptPress Gallery Series. She serves as an advisory council member for the non-profit Iowa City Poetry, as a poetry reader for The Adroit Journal, and as Associate Poetry Editor for Brink. Find her on Instagram @atasteforthebitters.