by Brady Huggett
My own mother died years ago, and, similar to Honor Moore’s experience, she left me her journals, letters, essays, and notebooks filled with quotations and existential pondering. Like Moore, it took me years to fully unpack the boxes, a decade slipping away before I gathered the courage to read it all front to back and try to make sense of my mother’s life.
by Michael Barron
The End of Policing took an old debate of the left—that the current policing system is systemically prejudiced and that it is up to communities, not police, to reconsider a more just system of public safety—and organized it into a comprehensive argument for mainstream America.
by Gracie Bialecki
Was virtual better than nothing or were we merely deluding ourselves?
by Sean Gill
Despite some dapper pretension, there is a basic ridiculousness in "the person of letters" making the rounds on a game show, which, in theory, ought to be a real dignity-leech. Most of these authors seem amused to be on television, as if they can't believe that a network executive signed off on such a thing.
What helps us to endure amidst the pain and suffering and panic? I’m not sure. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. But maybe writing, for me, is a kind of prayer. Maybe art is a kind of prayer. Maybe walking. Maybe breathing. Maybe caring about something sacred to you, no matter how silly it seems to other people, is a kind of prayer. Or maybe I’m elevating something I love to give me an excuse to keep doing it.
by Michael Barron
With the closure of bookstores and in-person readings impossible, sales opportunities for small presses have largely been stymied to the point of near fatality, and the fallout is widespread.
by Aimee Griffin
A book or books that you once loved isn’t quite the same thing as a painful memory, but for me, rereading His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman felt similarly unapproachable because it had direct ties to a past iteration of myself.
by Yoojin Na
Yoojin talks with Epiphany EIC about writing during a pandemic, the similarities between working on a draft and being pregnant, and how our professional lives intertwine with our personal lives.