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Submissions are Closed for 2025 Fresh Voices Fellowship

Submissions are Closed for 2025 Fresh Voices Fellowship


Our 2025 Fresh Voices Fellowship is NOW CLOSED for submissions. This fellowship supports one emerging Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other writer of color who does not have a BA nor MFA in creative writing, and is not currently enrolled in a degree-granting program. The submission period ends on Sept. 15th at 11 PM.

One Writer, in Prose or Poetry, Will Receive:

* A $2000 stipend
* Publication in a print issue of Epiphany
* A one-year subscription to Epiphany
* The opportunity to participate in the editorial and publication process of a small non-profit literary magazine, and to build close relationships with the editorial team during the course of a twelve-month fellowship
* A Q&A to be published on Epiphany’s website

Because this opportunity is to support writers currently working outside traditional literary and academic systems, applicants must not have a degree in creative writing and must not be enrolled at the time of application in any degree-granting program. Applicants must also have no more than four individual artistic works published in print (journals, magazines), and not have published or be contracted to publish a book (including chapbooks).

To apply:

1) Work Sample: Please include a 5-page sample (double-spaced) of work you feel most represents you, your interests, and your literary style. (If you’re sending a novel excerpt, please include a short synopsis of the novel and an explanation of where, in the story, the excerpt falls.)

2) Questions: When submitting an application a Submittable form will ask applicants to answer three questions (with an optional fourth) so we can better know potential fellows. A preview of questions below:

  • Tell us about an artist or work of art (can be literature, music, visual or other art form) that has been inspirational or formative. (150 word max)

  • Describe what your writing journey has been like so far. (For example: How long have you been writing? What does your current writing practice look like? How have you found community in writing?) (250 word max)

  • What is one thing you feel you are lacking or need more experience in that mentorship might help you to further in your own writing goals? (100 word max)

  • (Optional) Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you? (100 word max)

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