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"Islam" by Razeen Ahmed

"Islam" by Razeen Ahmed

The following is a section from the Epiphany’s Fall/Winter 2023, “Animalia” issue. To read more from the issue’s other excellent contributors, purchase your copy today in print or digital.

I am a God fearing man 
depending on who asks 

But between you and me 
God does not exist 

Or, I am God 
and I am not a man 

Depending on who asks 
I like women! 

A sentence that’s always true
Only God knows the
rest of it 

I praise the most high 
often, looking in the mirror 

or facing mechanical 
devices housing truth 

Depending on who asks 
I’m just on caffeine 

And of course I eat halal 
I think pigs are filthy 

And I love my last name 
depending on who asks 

But if it’s the TSA, 
I hate it as much as they do 

And is it premarital sex 
if I never get married? 

And if sex is only between two sexes 
then I shouldn’t be that worried

I haven’t had that much
depending on who asks 

So, will I be going to Hell,
Where all the hot people go? 

Depends on Who you ask.

Razeen Ahmed is a 23-year-old poet currently residing in Santa Barbara, California. Since their college years, they’ve had interest and engagement in revolutionary politics, participating in mutual aid and the dissemination of agitative propaganda. Knowing the personal is political, their work deals with the intersections of love, identity, and the broader superstructure of the modern day sociopolitical atmosphere. With ten tattoos that their mother has no idea about (sorry Mom if you’re reading this, I figured you can’t get mad if you find out here), an obsession for microcosmic subgenres of music, and a mind that’s never not thinking about love-making, anarchism, or their intersection, Raz hopes to share all their buzzing thoughts with the world through the language of poetry.

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