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Epiphany is Looking for Volunteer Readers!

Epiphany is Looking for Volunteer Readers!

Attention all readers, writers, and lovers of literature! For the next three weeks, Epiphany will be accepting volunteer readers who are an essential part of our editorial team, helping read submissions in any of our print categories: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. We are especially looking for readers interested in poetry and nonfiction.

Epiphany receives a large number of submissions through Submittable, and a committed and thoughtful team of volunteer readers is necessary in bringing visibility to new emerging artists. 

An ideal Epiphany reader is attentive and interested in contemporary fiction. The position’s flexibility and the access it allows to consider and critique the work of other writers in a respectful environment is perfect for creative writing students or emerging writers in the early stages of their careers

During submission periods readers will:

  • Read 3-5 submissions a week, typically ranging from 2,000 to 8,000 words for prose; poetry submissions typically contain no more than six poems. The weekly amount a reader is assigned is also flexible.

  • Provide concise and thoughtful responses (one to two paragraphs) for each submission, and give their recommendation for the next reading stage.

All reader positions are volunteer and work remotely. Epiphany’s next reading period will begin May 1st.

For a sense of the kind of submissions you’ll be reading, please take a moment to explore our archive where a few selections are available to the public.

If you are interested in reading please submit a paragraph or two telling us a little about yourself, what book you’re currently reading, and what categories are you interested in reading. Resumes are welcome but not necessary. Please send applications to

Applications will be considered until April 12th.

"Refraction" by Solange Neema, with reading by poet

"Refraction" by Solange Neema, with reading by poet

"The Novel I Don't Have Time to Write" by Brenna Lemieux

"The Novel I Don't Have Time to Write" by Brenna Lemieux