Epiphany Fall/Winter 2015 "Pent Up Humanity" (Ebook)

Epiphany Fall/Winter 2015 "Pent Up Humanity" (Ebook)



| Olga Zilberbourg | George Matteson | Patricia Follert | Chantel Acevedo | Marvin Shackelford | Chris Vaughan | Curt Saltzman | Tiina Raevaara | Kai Maristed | Jay Merrill | Michael Chaney |

NONFICTION | Zhanna Slor | Jim White | Don Cummings | Shasta Grant | Kevin Fuller | John Gower | Gavin Howley | Lev Izraelit

POETRY (feat. Guest Poetry Editor Ish Klein) | Rae Armantrout | Czar Gutiérrez | M. Lysén | Trapets B. Mayson | Kevin Killian | Lewis Warsh | Arda Collins | Elaine Equi | Sergio Badilla Castillo | David Feinstein | Dara Wier

PHOTOGRAPHY/GRAPHIC LIT | Mazen Kerbaj | Sanne Peper

Digital version includes an .epub, .mobi, and .pdf which can be downloaded direct from Epiphany

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