Jul 20 Jul 20 "Beneath the Surface of Walk the Vanished Earth" by Brady Huggett The Editors What We're Reading Now “What struck me most was the book’s horrific scenes tied to childbirth — the incredible pain, the tearing of tissue, and the torrents of blood.”
Jul 18 Jul 18 "OM as Punctuation" by Genevieve Lehr The Editors Poetry, Selections from Print, Winter 2022 “It’s bloody cold in this monastery.”
Jul 14 Jul 14 "The World Is Not Astonished" by Michael Juliani The Editors Poetry, Selections from Print, Winter 2022 “I want to spring on you like a verb, like a wartime cat snatching a rare mouse from the floor.”
Jul 12 Jul 12 "YEARS AND YEARS and Years" by Jackie Hedeman The Editors The Epiphanic, Non-Fiction How do you write about hard times without trying to fix them?
Jul 7 Jul 7 "Company, Man" by Sarah Bridgins The Editors Non-Fiction, Theater Criticism “…maybe Company can’t be updated.”
Jul 4 Jul 4 "On Revive the Ambience: Emotion is Alive" by Moises Ramirez The Editors Non-Fiction, Art Review Revive the Ambience is a pictorial publishing house centered on disability awareness.
Jun 30 Jun 30 "The Door of That Feeling" by Kyle McCarthy The Editors The Epiphanic “Last month our dog Zoe died.”
Jun 23 Jun 23 "Missed Connections" by Jamie Kahn The Editors Non-Fiction Are Craigslist personal ads different in small towns?
Jun 8 Jun 8 "The Horse Man" by Steve Chang The Editors Short Fiction “I’ve asked a lot of people from other places in the U.S. if they had a Horse Man. And all of them laugh and say no.”
Jun 3 Jun 3 "At the Airport" by Olivia Fantini The Editors Winter 2022 “It was more than ten years ago that he ceded the master bedroom to her and moved his things into the downstairs guest room.”
May 30 May 30 "Crab Ode" by E.R. Pulgar The Editors Selections from Print “I gnaw off your head / Saturn devouring a lesser god.”
May 27 May 27 "Bedbugs" by Kyra Baldwin The Editors Winter 2022 “Every time she closed her eyes, she felt hordes of little legs tracing her body…”
May 26 May 26 "Sunning Myself on Tar Beach" by Brittany K. Allen The Editors The Epiphanic “A prayer here for all distractible children, capable of flight.”
May 13 May 13 "Araucaria" by Nicole Saldarriaga The Editors Winter 2022 “…a man gives only one thing and then is worthless after…”
May 5 May 5 Tickets are now on sale for the 2022 Summer Fête, June 16th at the Salmagundi Club! The Editors Come celebrate 20 years of Epiphany!
May 4 May 4 “The End of the World” by Candice May The Editors Epiphanies “Have you heard about the VR for cows?”