"You May Have the Body"

by Hawa Allan

Thinking at the anatomical level about the potential scourge of pathogens and parasites has led me to conclude that my physical body is more discerning and intelligent than any so-called “thinking” person, much less any government.

Illustrating Our Imaginations

by Gracie Bialecki

If someone had seen the movie before reading the book, how could they imagine anything else? Lee’s world is the definition of Middle Earth for millions of fans. Will future generations grow up with its realms and characters conveniently preconceived?

Future Fictions

by Michael Barron

Fiction has always been a laboratory to study the human condition but with the advancements of technology and science becoming more commonplace, fiction has become a simulation runner to experiment on the plausible consequences of these achievements.

Cuckolded by Modernity

by Gracie Bialecki

Futuristic sexual encounters aside, we’re constantly betraying our partners and friends with technology. In any interaction, a phone is liable to appear with or without explanation—shifting a dual-sided conversation into a regrettable love triangle.